
3GO.FUN论坛 - 注册

对 “3GO.FUN论坛” (下文中指代 “我们”,“我们的”,“3GO.FUN论坛”,“https://forum.3go.fun”)的访问,表明您同意并遵守以下具有法律效力之条款。如果您不同意以下条款,请停止访问和使用 “3GO.FUN论坛”。我们可能在我们认为合适的时候,在并未通知您的情况下改变这些条款,您在条款改变后继续使用 “3GO.FUN论坛” 将被认为认同并遵守这些条款。

我们的论坛运行使用 phpBB (下文中指代 “他们”, “他们的”, “phpBB 软件”, “www.phpbb.com”, “phpBB 组”, “phpBB 团队”), 这是一个使用 “GNU General Public License v2” (下文指代 "GPL") 软件协议的公告栏系统解决方案, 可以从 www.phpbb.com 下载。 phpBB仅使基于 Internet 的讨论更容易, phpBB Group不对所讨论的内容负责。 如果希望得到更多关于phpBB的信息, 请访问: https://www.phpbb.com/

您同意不张贴任何带有辱骂,淫秽,粗俗,诽谤,仇恨,威胁,色情的内容,不张贴任何带有侵犯您所在国家的法律, “3GO.FUN论坛” 所在国家的法律,国际公法的内容。以上的行为可能会使您在未得到通知的情况下被永远禁止访问这个论坛。所有帖子发表所使用的 IP 地址将被记录,以协助调查违反条款的事件。您同意 “3GO.FUN论坛” 具有在任何我们认为合适的时候删除,修改,移动,或关闭任何话题的权力。作为一个用户,您同意您所输入的任何信息将被记录至数据库。在没有得到您同意的前提下我们不会向任何第三方发布这些信息,但是 “3GO.FUN论坛” 和 phpBB 不为任何因为黑客行为导致的数据泄漏承担法律责任.

To comply with the EU GDPR (2018) you need to be made aware of the following.

In addition to the above 3GO.FUN论坛 will also store all of the IP address that you use to post with. Depending on your preferences 3GO.FUN论坛 may send you emails to the email address that you used when you registered or you have subsequently changed but you are able to change these preferences from your User Control Panel (UCP) at any time should you wish to stop receiving them.

The personal details that you gave us when you signed up will be used solely for the purposes of 3GO.FUN论坛 board functionality. They will not be used for anything else and neither will they be passed on to any third party without your explicit consent.

The only other information about you is that which you decide to post in the fora, whereupon it is considered to be “publicly available” as it will have been indexed by search engines as well as on-line archive sites.

By clicking on the “I agree to these terms” button below your acceptance of these terms will be recorded.

您同意遵守论坛版块的章程,请查看 “论坛章程” : 查看论坛章程